Sunday, September 1, 2013

Obituary and Planning the Program

Obituary: A wonderful obituary written by Mike's young friend, Carl Brodersen (with suggestions by others), is in today's Juneau Empire. It is a lovely tribute to a remarkable person with the type of humor any friend of Mike's would appreciate.

Planning the Program (Sunday, October 13, 2:00 pm)
One of the things we learned about Mike during his last illness was that he had many different circles of friends and, unlike venn circles, there was sometimes little overlap. Through this blog, we would like to invite all his friends to provide ideas for his Celebration of Life. If you have a story or memory to share during the celebration, let us know about it. What was your connection to Mike? How/when did you meet him? How did he impact your life or the lives of others? What do you believe would be important to include in his celebration?

We know there are at least a few people who will be coming from out of town. Let us know if you are. Also, if you have a spare bed you would like to provide for someone coming from out of town, let us know that, too.

For either of the above, you may email me at

Shana Crondahl, my daughter,  has volunteered to collect other remembrances and stories from people and compile them for posting on the web and for viewing at the celebration of life.  If possible, write stories in either a Word or text file and send attached to an email.  You can also include photos with the remembrance.  Her email is 

Lisa Tansey will be putting together a slide show for the celebration. If you have photos you would like to share, email them to her at 


  1. I haven't gotten any emails of photos - the ones I have of Mike I've printed out to share. I am bringing four old black & whites; if you have any color photos to share, please bring them along! Thanks. If someone could bring the yearbook with the Lord Atom picture, that would be great. A copy of it was proudly displayed by my Step-Dad for many years.

  2. I have realized I can pull the photos from the blog postings! Will compile them for a slide show....
