He was also pleased that he had walked the full length of the parallel bars round trip. He is setting goals for himself to increase the number of times he can walk so that is showing a very positive attitude.
I talked to his nurse today and she told me that it will be a couple more weeks before they know the results of his biopsies. I'm amazed it takes that long.
Ken Moss, Phil Smith and Virginia Breeze have done a wonderful job of composing, laying out and proofing the ad for Mike. I will try to get it in the paper this Sunday. If you have put a check in the mail but have not received an acknowledgement from me, it would be helpful if you would email me with the amount so I know how large I can go with the ad.
This information comes from Mark Regan who visited Mike a week ago. If anyone is in the Seattle area without a car, Mike's extended care facility is on the 128 bus line, which runs from Southcenter and Tukwila all the way to the north end of West Seattle. There are several different ways to make connections either from the airport or from downtown Seattle. People can use the metro trip planner
That's all for now.
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